1 min read

Black Friday Astrolabe Sale!

Support a year of Astrolabe at 50% off! Just $2.50/month
Black Friday Astrolabe Sale!

It’s another Black Friday sale! As you emerge from under a mountain of cheap TVs, that drone you’ve always wanted, and an immersion blender you probably didn’t need, you can snag a full year of Astrolabe for 50% off until November, 27, 2023.

That breaks down to:

  • Monthly: $5 $2.50
  • Yearly: $45 $22.50

Use this link, or the form below!

As games media and journalism collapses, direct-to-writer support is vital for allowing publications like Astrolabe to continue to exist and writers, like me, to keep writing. Previously, I’ve supported Astrolabe through money I’ve made freelancing, but that’s basically dried up, so if you’ve enjoyed my work in the past, a paid sub helps me keep the engine running.

While flagship Astrolabe issues (like this one, and this one) will always be free, paid supporters get early access to features like Final Fantasy XVI wants to be the "Game of Thrones" of video games, but is it too late?” and Astrolabe Digest issues, along with the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing their generosity is going toward keeping Astrolabe afloat.


There are lots of ways to support Astrolabe and my other work. Check ‘em out!

Keep In Touch

Enjoy Astrolabe? Want more SFF and retro gaming goodies? You can find me on Twitter and my website.


Astrolabe banner photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash